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IDArenaWinning teamScoreLosing teamTime agoServer
576fy_iceworld↑0.08 pythagoras.10:3↓0.05 RoyalAngel.EQuO6 days agous-central
575de_duel_practice↑0.15 pythagoras.10:1↓0.09 D.B.G.7 days agous-central
574fy_iceworld↑0.08 pythagoras.10:3↓0.05 D.B.G.7 days agous-central
573fy_minilab↑0.45 pythagoras.FFA↓0.21 D.B.G.7 days agous-central
572de_cyberaqua↑4.21 LazerCoconut.QQCy10:1↓1.94 WindSeal.V3oY22 days agoru
571de_silo↑2.89 LazerCoconut.QQCy10:7↓1.56 WindSeal.V3oY22 days agoru
570de_hotline↑3.44 LazerCoconut.QQCyFFA↓1.83 WindSeal.V3oY22 days agoru
569de_rambo↑0.00 WindSeal.V3oY1:3↓2.32 LazerCoconut.QQCy22 days agous-central
568fy_minilab↑3.44 LazerCoconut.QQCy10:5↓1.83 WindSeal.V3oY22 days agous-central
567de_hotline↑3.44 GreenLollipop.SAxZ3:9↓1.83 MightyInvader.1Mct2 months agonl
566fy_iceworld↑3.44 robertsneylanFFA↓1.83 raffaelecapezzera8992 months agopl
565de_duel_practice↑3.44 DancingBlade.YGBbFFA↓1.83 Raffy_Taffy2 months agous-central
564de_amongus↑3.44 JaggyFFA↓1.83 weyoot2 months agous-central
563fy_minilab↑7.09 Elron14:5↓3.29 dizmo
↓3.29 RAZOR
2 months agonl
562de_duel_practice↑1.85 ElronFFA↑1.59 RAZOR
↓2.38 dizmo
2 months agonl
561de_hotline↑1.76 ElronFFA↑2.18 RAZOR
↑0.56 dizmo
↓3.32 О4KoDaV
2 months agopl
560de_duel_practice↑3.44 SkinnyZombie.sb5xFFA↓1.83 FantasticAngel.XIPp2 months agoru
559de_duel_practice↑2.82 dakitaboy16:11↓1.59 seamstress2 months agoru
558fy_minilab↑0.77 dakitaboy15:15↑0.44 seamstress2 months agoru
557de_amongus↑2.75 Barmalej16:10↓1.29 vycka2 months agoru
556de_hotline↑2.75 BarmalejFFA↓1.29 vycka2 months agoru
555fy_iceworld↑3.44 Barmalej16:13↓1.83 vycka2 months agoru
554fy_minilab↑3.44 BarmalejFFA↓1.83 vycka2 months agoru
553fy_minilab↑0.00 pythagoras.7:1↓0.05 DancingBurger.SC5q2 months agous-central
552fy_minilab↑3.10 seamstress16:14↓1.97 dakitaboy2 months agoru
551fy_iceworld↑3.44 seamstressFFA↓1.83 dakitaboy2 months agoru
550de_duel_practice↑7.04 dakitaboy16:7↓4.13 seamstress2 months agoru
549de_hotline↑6.29 seamstress16:5↓3.59 dakitaboy2 months agoru
548de_rambo↑0.00 GiganticKing.Egic0:0↓2.11 WhiteLettuce.pQoa2 months agoru
547de_silo↑0.00 Ard11100:0↓1.83 GiganticKing.Egic2 months agoru
546de_duel_practice↑3.44 GiganticKing.EgicFFA↓1.83 WhiteLettuce.pQoa2 months agoru
545de_amongus↑3.25 https://_carFFA↑1.54 Blackleche
↓2.76 kindslap
2 months agous-central x2
544fy_minilab↑3.44 HE6666FFA↓1.83 Pierreluigi456782 months agous-central x2
543fy_iceworld↑3.44 GentleWarrior.bp8cFFA↓1.83 ClassyDream.SO1q2 months agonl x2
542de_hotline↑0.00 yuri0:0↓1.83 seamstress2 months agoru
541de_hotline↑3.44 <3FFA↓1.83 poisonedramen2 months agonl
540de_jedrula↑0.00 enzoviniciusenzo0:0↓1.83 StickySpider.HRNn3 months agoru
539de_silo↑4.00 кинза16:14↓1.66 Fly_Feed3 months agoru x2
538de_metro↑6.19 кинза16:10↓3.12 Fly_Feed3 months agoru x2
537de_jedrula↑6.19 Derek13:5↓1.83 Edgar3 months agonl
536de_hotline↑3.44 DerekFFA↓1.83 Edgar3 months agonl
535de_silo↑1.57 CATYSELF9:9↑1.57 SingingMutant.S8K83 months agopl x2
534de_billan↑0.00 Astroexexe1:2↓2.32 poopshitter 54 months agous-central
533de_silo↑3.44 poopshitter 516:13↓1.83 Astroexexe4 months agous-central
532de_metro↑0.00 Sav1:3↓1.83 WindStar.VQJF4 months agous-central
531de_billan↑0.00 kalimober1:0↓3.12 perfect5 months agonl x2
530fy_iceworld↑3.44 perfectFFA↓1.83 kalimober5 months agoru x2
529de_amongus↑3.44 JuicyDragon.SDFvFFA↓1.83 NightPhoenix.4Z7Z5 months agous-central
528de_amongus↑3.44 kosFFA↓1.83 sascharimus5 months agonl
527de_billan↑2.48 YellowPilot.HLXu6:4↓1.17 SkyCyclop.F9QW5 months agonl
526fy_iceworld↑3.08 YellowPilot.HLXu10:5↓1.64 SkyCyclop.F9QW5 months agonl
525de_duel_practice↑3.78 YellowPilot.HLXu10:7↓2.32 SkyCyclop.F9QW5 months agonl
524de_cyberaqua↑3.44 SkyCyclop.F9QW4:4↓1.83 YellowPilot.HLXu5 months agonl
523mc_overworld_1↑3.44 LorcFFA↓1.83 Zireael5 months agonl
522de_billan↑1.16 Lorc
↑1.13 Zireael
16:11↓0.49 petite chienne (waf waf) ^^5 months agonl
521de_metro↑2.94 petite chienne (waf waf) ^^
↑2.94 Zireael
16:3↓1.24 Lorc5 months agonl
520de_billan↑6.19 очколом прайм7:9↓3.12 p_ph6 months agoru x2
519fy_minilab↑3.44 p_phFFA↓1.83 очколом прайм6 months agoru
518de_cyberaqua↑0.00 jaappa0:1↓1.83 FancyCoconut.LoMP6 months agous-central
517fy_iceworld↑3.44 FancyCoconut.LoMPFFA↓1.83 jaappa6 months agous-central
516de_duel_practice↑1.04 sprich089:2↓1.83 BraveTurtle.Wr1d6 months agoru
515hyperactive_space_station↑3.44 DanbiFFA↓1.83 lanacrystabelle6 months agonl
514de_duel_practice↑3.44 q.FFA↓1.83 rob_owner6 months agous-central
513de_amongus↑2.97 CobakkaFFA↓1.57 GentleMilkshake.ZBLC6 months agous-central
512fy_minilab↑1.70 AkellaFFA↓1.26 kwewk6 months agopl
511fy_iceworld↑2.03 AkellaFFA↓1.71 kwewk6 months agopl
510fy_iceworld↑3.10 kwewkFFA↓1.35 Akella6 months agopl
509fy_iceworld↑3.72 kwewkFFA↓1.75 Akella6 months agopl
508hyperactive_space_station↑1.71 AkellaFFA↓1.28 kwewk6 months agopl
507hyperactive_space_station↑4.31 kwewkFFA↓1.96 Akella6 months agopl
506mc_overworld_1↑1.58 AkellaFFA↓1.14 kwewk6 months agopl
505de_hotline↑1.91 AkellaFFA↓1.63 kwewk6 months agopl
504fy_minilab↑0.00 bapril3:0↓1.83 HappyWarrior.3x887 months agopl
503de_amongus↑3.44 WhitePhoenix.fwjwFFA↓1.83 EndlessCrocodile.bPXR7 months agoau
502de_amongus↑3.44 HotBot.ETIPFFA↓1.83 BlackLollipop.RRy87 months agoau
501fy_iceworld↑0.00 Male_071:0↓3.12 GiganticPeanut.mtH97 months agonl x2
500de_duel_practice↑0.00 SilverQueen.x1ZH2:0↓1.83 RoboticCoffee.hfpx7 months agous-central
499de_rambo↑3.44 deck16:10↓1.83 fulton28747 months agous-central
498de_duel_practice↑3.44 ThunderTruck.D39j3:5↓1.83 DancingPhoenix.ySJc7 months agoru
497de_hotline↑3.44 VengefulPotato.a4IgFFA↓1.83 HappyWarrior.kWwT7 months agoau
496de_cyberaqua↑3.44 FlameOgre.DpOk10:5↓1.83 NeonWaffle.z0xA7 months agoau
495de_cyberaqua↑0.90 Vaughn4:1↓2.02 DevilHorse.00IE7 months agous-central
494de_cyberaqua↑0.00 Deadfish123451:0↓1.83 SavageBurger.5ZDI7 months agous-central
493de_cyberaqua↑0.00 brightknight3332:0↓1.83 VengefulPeanut.2TeA7 months agous-central
492de_billan↑0.00 Vaughn1:0↓2.02 TheDeathReaper7 months agous-central
491de_hotline↑0.42 Pythagoras of Samos16:1↓0.29 Vaughn7 months agous-central x2
490de_duel_practice↑1.03 Vaughn9:3↓1.93 Awesomefreez7 months agous-central
489de_duel_practice↑0.24 Pythagoras of Samos16:1↓0.16 Vaughn7 months agous-central
488de_billan↑0.00 Vaughn1:0↓1.83 SilentCow.mSbN7 months agous-central
487fy_iceworld↑3.44 RoboticLemon.MMVHFFA↓1.83 FutureCoconut.HJFE7 months agous-central
486hyperactive_space_station↑0.00 ArcadeStar.uPvz0:0↓1.83 CheesyLemon.AHB97 months agoau
485mc_overworld_1↑2.58 FatPigCan'tDieFFA↓1.36 HungryGoblin.275V7 months agoau
484de_cyberaqua↑0.00 cocipapa0:0↓1.83 NoisyNinja.tN327 months agous-central
483fy_minilab↑3.44 FutureChicken.79QxFFA↓1.83 AmazingSoldier.3VTK7 months agous-central
482de_amongus↑3.48 AngryCoffee.V4YeFFA↓2.11 ArcadeBigfoot.cyqT7 months agous-central
481mc_overworld_1↑3.44 NoisyPumpkin.XOOKFFA↓1.83 AngryCoffee.V4Ye7 months agous-central
480de_duel_practice↑3.44 BlackScorpion.Rm9nFFA↓1.83 FlyingSeagull.9AWz7 months agous-central
479de_metro↑1.92 noly.10:0↓1.41 ClassySausage.qOSK8 months agonl
478de_cyberaqua↑2.40 noly.16:0↓1.10 slipper8 months agode
477de_jedrula↑0.00 noly.0:0↓0.47 slipper8 months agode
476de_bogosbinted↑3.44 CobakkaFFA↓1.83 CuckooScorpion.rPs98 months agoau
475de_cyberaqua↑0.00 DevilSushi.UYRA1:0↓1.83 WindAlpaca.b55E8 months agous-central
474de_metro↑3.77 FreezyAngel.TZ5T3:5↓2.03 ThunderQueen.BAEK8 months agoru
473de_silo↑0.00 CuckooPhoenix.FBVx1:0↓1.83 fazishim8 months agous-central
472de_rambo↑3.44 PinkPeanut.OfvU2:4↓1.83 PERCIVEL8 months agous-central
471fy_minilab↑0.00 SmoothFox.xRb10:3↓1.83 FutureGoblin.118P8 months agous-central
470de_metro↑3.44 ThunderQueen.BAEK
↓3.33 FlyingHamster.pH74
4:4↓0.48 CuckooSpider.uRjh8 months agopl
469de_cyberaqua↑1.04 StrongPhoenix.OqHf2:3↓1.83 SunGhost.HxhB8 months agous-central
468de_cyberaqua↑2.57 AstralPumpkin.tlj710:7↓1.10 PaperKraken.0PJQ8 months agoru
467mc_overworld_1↑3.25 AstralPumpkin.tlj7FFA↑1.54 PaperKraken.0PJQ
↓2.76 SunDonut.qher
8 months agoru
466de_bogosbinted↑3.23 AstralPumpkin.tlj710:5↓1.52 PaperKraken.0PJQ8 months agoru
465de_amongus↑0.00 AstralPumpkin.tlj71:1↓1.83 PaperKraken.0PJQ8 months agoru
464de_silo↑0.00 Grekont2:0↓3.43 RustyRainbow.vTCr
↓3.43 NightSoldier.Vyez
8 months agoru
463de_bogosbinted↑0.47 pythagoras.FFA↓0.22 Vaughn8 months agous-central x2
462hyperactive_space_station↑0.49 pythagoras.FFA↓0.23 EccentricStar.P9EB8 months agous-central
461de_cyberaqua↑2.97 FatPigCan'tDieFFA↓1.57 The Durge8 months agonl
460de_rambo↑0.68 FatPigCan'tDie6:1↓2.05 SavageCoconut.U5fx8 months agous-central
459hyperactive_space_station↑3.44 ThunderWarrior.b3lX
↓1.50 SkyZombie.a6Kk
5:8↓1.50 EvilCoconut.3N8I
↓1.50 StrongDriver.m1JJ
8 months agopl
458de_hotline↑3.44 JuicyPotato.VrvoFFA↓1.83 wazovski8 months agoru
457de_hotline↑0.00 PaperKraken.0PJQ1:0↓1.83 IronMutant.CnJq8 months agous-central
456de_cyberaqua↑0.00 TinyPirate.4tpz1:0↓1.83 MerryChicken.1y088 months agoru
455de_bogosbinted↑0.00 SunGhost.OK7L
↑0.00 TinyPirate.4tpz
0:0↓0.48 MoonHamster.ABst8 months agoru
454de_cyberaqua↑0.00 MoonHamster.ABst
↑0.00 TinyPirate.4tpz
0:0↓0.48 DrivingDragon.Wyuu8 months agoru
453de_amongus↑3.44 KindPilot.F4RIFFA↓1.83 ClassyKing.aGMY8 months agoau
452de_jedrula↑0.00 NoisyYeti.3fdW1:0↓1.83 PinkCocktail.ANtH8 months agode
451de_cyberaqua↑0.00 SmoothFox.xRb11:0↓1.83 EvilHorse.CpW78 months agous-central
450de_hotline↑0.00 SmoothFox.xRb12:1↓1.83 SleepyButterfly.TZLI8 months agous-central
449mc_overworld_1↑3.23 ThunderWarrior.b3lXFFA↓1.52 IronChicken.JJKQ8 months agopl
448mc_overworld_1↑3.44 UglyFurball.oMezFFA↓1.83 IronChicken.JJKQ8 months agopl
447de_bogosbinted↑1.04 HappyTomato.k8fr4:3↓1.83 dino7_928 months agous-central
446fy_minilab↑3.44 NoisyCheese.VMUV2:4↓1.83 FancyMango.LAZI8 months agous-central
445de_amongus↑3.44 SleepyWarrior.ZXcWFFA↓1.83 Yeet4868 months agous-central
444de_cyberaqua↑0.00 EndlessFish.CEAD0:0↓1.83 LazerPhoenix.7TOi8 months agonl
443fy_minilab↑0.00 NerdyDog.0oYD
↑0.00 LazerPhoenix.7TOi
2:1↓0.48 AncientPrincess.7d118 months agonl
442de_amongus↑3.36 godguy69FFA↓1.64 ElectricCookie.cjyf8 months agopl
441fy_iceworld↑3.44 AmazingCocktail.azJTFFA↓1.83 MoonFireball.PfOL8 months agous-central
440de_billan↑1.04 ScarySushi.zRlf4:3↓1.83 RedPilot.vLD58 months agode
439de_metro↑0.00 RealKing.Jyzi0:0↓1.83 FieryGrandma.vc5N8 months agous-central
438de_billan↑1.04 StickyFish.ZPrN7:2↓1.83 GoldPrince.30ZK8 months agode
437mc_overworld_1↑3.44 GoldPrince.30ZKFFA↓1.83 HappyMonster.QQlp8 months agode
436fy_minilab↑0.00 TARZAN2:0↓1.83 TurboTurtle.eZM98 months agopl
435de_metro↑0.00 FatPigCan'tDie3:0↓3.47 ErraticSeal.08gT8 months agoau x2
434fy_iceworld↑3.25 RealNinja.cySsFFA↑1.54 HappyThunder.HDJ1
↓2.76 MassiveMermaid.0xLR
8 months agoru
433de_duel_practice↑3.44 ErraticSeal.08gTFFA↓1.83 SavageDog.R4xJ8 months agoau x2
432fy_minilab↑0.00 awesome_ghost
↓6.79 DevilMango.UGSN
↓6.79 SleepyLettuce
0:0↓0.29 GoofyNinja.uouz8 months agoau x2
431mc_overworld_1↑3.44 SmellyButterfly.ElmvFFA↓1.83 WildCheese.LjsA8 months agoru
430de_amongus↑0.00 SavageFury.J8Ul0:0↓3.22 FantasticDream.u6IJ
↓3.02 SmellyButterfly.Elmv
8 months agous-central
429de_billan↑0.00 FlameFireball.COxo2:2↓1.83 SharpScorpion.Ytx98 months agoau
428de_hotline↑3.44 EvilHorse.NucIFFA↓1.83 StickyFish.ZPrN8 months agopl
427de_cyberaqua↑0.00 FlameFireball.COxo0:0↓1.83 DeadMonster.GiZV8 months agoau
426fy_minilab↑3.44 ThunderKraken.vgBhFFA↓1.83 AmazingPeacH.LGQP8 months agous-central
425de_metro↑0.00 Hitman713021:0↓3.12 DK_SUBUXA8 months agous-central x2
424fy_minilab↑4.12 Cobakka10:2↓2.08 SleepyViper.DHks8 months agous-central
423fy_iceworld↑6.19 WindPumpkin.w0eL10:2↓3.12 RedGhost.Pw9e8 months agous-central
422de_cyberaqua↑0.00 LazerPhoenix.HcdD0:1↓1.83 RoboticDemon.iHqX8 months agous-central
421de_metro↑1.42 EvilHorse.NucI4:3↓2.69 NightCoconut.sMPL8 months agoru x2
420de_jedrula↑0.00 EvilHorse.NucI0:0↓2.69 CuckooSnake.RQmv8 months agopl x2
419hyperactive_space_station↑0.00 aGameDev
↓3.33 GentleGrandma.QUXD
2:2↓0.48 SkyPhoenix.9ZzN8 months agopl
418hyperactive_space_station↑3.25 AncientCactus.bcxWFFA↑1.54 GreenAlien.LCxt
↓2.76 PaperAngel.VUVx
8 months agous-central
417de_billan↑0.00 EvilHorse.NucI3:1↓1.57 RoyalThunder.jpQf8 months agopl
416de_cyberaqua↑3.44 EvilHorse.NucI2:7↓1.83 tromagi8 months agopl
415de_billan↑0.00 WideWhale.twXM1:0↓1.83 FreakyFox.J7Nn8 months agous-central
414fy_minilab↑3.44 DeadVampire.DBOkFFA↓1.83 DIEGO2314542SDADFA8 months agoru
413de_silo↑0.00 EccentricGoat.0FPu
↓3.33 BouncyFox.6ZH3
1:0↓0.48 TurboGod.mRkQ8 months agoau
412de_metro↑0.00 SneakyKraken.fe6v1:0↓1.83 CrazyTurtle.STrz8 months agode
411de_metro↑1.04 ElectricWhale.E3kg4:3↓1.83 yuri_henrique8 months agonl
410de_jedrula↑0.00 RoyalPopcorn.59Xz0:1↓1.83 SmellyButterfly.Elmv8 months agonl
409de_cyberaqua↑0.00 HappyBanana.LIYv0:0↓3.33 ElectricGuardian.SdAU
8 months agonl
408de_duel_practice↑3.44 RichPunk.GNJZFFA↓1.83 GoldFurball.qfjx8 months agous-central
407de_silo↑0.00 GrumpyFurball.iyi50:0↓1.48 RedDream.CnpD8 months agous-central
406de_cyberaqua↑3.98 GrumpyFurball.iyi55:8↓3.33 BrilliantWhale.hzDt
↓3.33 WhitePumpkin.JQXM
8 months agous-central
405de_metro↑0.00 WhitePumpkin.JQXM1:0↓1.83 ROBOT34548 months agous-central
404fy_minilab↑3.25 WhitePumpkin.JQXMFFA↑1.54 GrumpyFurball.iyi5
↓2.76 HotAngel.2S3C
8 months agous-central
403de_cyberaqua↑0.00 BrilliantStar.7AXH1:1↓3.33 ShinyHippo.1gPH
↓3.33 JuicyZombie.5HJI
8 months agous-central
402mc_overworld_1↑3.44 WhiteAlien.5RB5FFA↓1.83 FlameNinja.6NBD8 months agous-central
401mc_overworld_1↑3.25 BouncyDriver.cFx0FFA↑1.54 PinkSponge.pIyA
↓2.76 SkinnyMutant.V8Oc
8 months agonl
400de_cyberaqua↑3.23 MoonLollipop.wnWf
↓1.36 geminis1221
10:5↓2.16 IronWaffle.VFVA
↓1.68 CrazyWaffle.iUes
8 months agous-central
399mc_overworld_1↑3.31 Енот ХакFFA↓1.92 HungryCoconut.YWqQ8 months agonl
398de_billan↑0.00 Енот Хак
↑0.00 HungryCoconut.YWqQ
2:0↓0.97 CoolNikes8 months agonl
397de_amongus↑3.44 FatPigCan'tDieFFA↓1.83 RoboticStorm.HVWR8 months agous-central
396de_billan↑3.44 HungryCoconut.YWqQ2:5↓3.12 cvetinovicbranko7608 months agonl
395de_jedrula↑0.75 FatPigCan'tDie7:1↓3.55 MoonLollipop.wnWf8 months agous-central
394de_amongus↑3.44 RealFury.3K2sFFA↓1.83 ElectricCookie.cjyf8 months agopl
393de_cyberaqua↑0.00 FatPigCan'tDie3:0↓2.54 PowerCoconut.u0b38 months agous-central
392fy_iceworld↑1.04 MoonMango.k2QL5:0↓3.12 PowerCoconut.u0b38 months agous-central
391de_hotline↑0.00 RichNinja.HXyQ2:0↓3.12 pescabicho8 months agous-central
390fy_iceworld↑0.00 GoofyPeach.QKD10:3↓3.12 BlueYeti8 months agoru
389de_hotline↑0.00 Saint Savage3:0↓3.12 CrazyFrog.W3eU8 months agoru
388de_silo↑0.00 FutureTomato.DV7L0:0↓3.12 WobblyElf.K7Ug8 months agoau
387de_silo↑1.04 StickyFury.MBxt4:3↓3.12 Dillo_RedTemplar8 months agoru
386fy_minilab↑0.51 pythagoras.FFA↓0.24 StickyFury.MBxt8 months agoru
385mc_overworld_1↑0.54 pythagoras.FFA↓0.25 valorzard8 months agous-central
384de_cyberaqua↑1.04 Barlennan5:3↓3.12 o8 months agous-central
383de_hotline↑6.19 RavenWrought16:5↓3.12 CtN1p8 months agous-central
382de_cyberaqua↑0.11 Pythagoras of Samos16:4↓0.04 EyRaG8 months agode
381virtual_reality_2↑5.36 Cobakka16:7↓2.69 ftk7898 months agous-central
380de_metro↑3.44 Cobakka16:13↓1.83 TheAtomMace8 months agoru
379fy_minilab↑6.19 pythagoras.10:2↓3.12 User18 months agopl
378fy_minilab↑0.00 Pythagoras of Samos4:0↓0.11 brethrezen108 months agoau
377de_jedrula↑2.26 noly.16:0↓1.02 slipper9 months agode
376de_jedrula↑3.49 noly.16:0↓1.76 slipper9 months agode
375de_jedrula↑6.08 noly.16:0↓4.18 slipper9 months agode
374de_duel_practice↑0.03 pythagoras.
↑0.14 Helix
↓8.68 GrimReaper2I
10:1↓0.04 Walkingdude9 months agode
373de_duel_practice↑0.57 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.26 jeremialto789 months agous-central
372de_jedrula↑1.53 Stepler
↑1.75 235
16:7↓0.67 za1lp9 months agode
371fy_minilab↑0.73 za1lp
↑0.84 235
16:9↓0.31 Stepler9 months agode
370de_duel_practice↑0.32 Pythagoras of Samos
↑1.49 235
16:2↓0.48 za1lp
↓0.48 Stepler
9 months agode
369fy_iceworld↑0.30 Pythagoras of Samos
↑1.26 za1lp
16:5↓0.50 235
↓0.47 Stepler
9 months agode
368de_hotline↑0.40 Pythagoras of Samos
↑2.02 235
16:0↓0.65 za1lp
↓0.65 Stepler
9 months agode
367de_metro↑3.78 Stepler16:11↓2.32 za1lp9 months agode
366virtual_reality_1↑3.44 za1lp16:11↓1.83 Stepler9 months agode
365de_metro↑3.54 私はあなたのお母さん
↑3.52 mak20KeyDrop
16:8↓2.02 Maiszon
↓1.65 antyk
9 months agopl
364fy_iceworld↑0.10 Pythagoras of Samos16:9↓0.06 Kubabinho9 months agopl
363fy_minilab↑0.60 pythagoras.FFA↓0.27 Kubabinho9 months agopl
362fy_minilab↑0.16 Pythagoras of Samos16:4↓0.10 fg-federation-leader9 months agoru
361de_duel_practice↑0.26 Pythagoras of Samos16:3↓0.17 fg-federation-leader9 months agoru
360fy_iceworld↑0.30 Pythagoras of Samos16:3↓0.19 fg-federation-leader9 months agoru
359de_hotline↑1.26 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↑2.12 Bl1tz714
↑1.29 Helix
↑0.49 Ars3nal311
↓4.01 Walkingdude
9 months agode
358de_silo↑1.31 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↑2.34 Ars3nal311
↑1.19 Walkingdude
↑0.27 Bl1tz714
↓3.80 Helix
9 months agode
357fy_minilab↑1.35 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↑2.32 Bl1tz714
↑1.33 Walkingdude
↓1.00 Helix
↓2.58 Ars3nal311
9 months agode
356hyperactive_space_station↑1.39 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↑2.12 Helix
↑1.38 Walkingdude
↑0.36 Bl1tz714
↓3.69 Ars3nal311
9 months agode
355mc_overworld_1↑3.25 HelixFFA↑1.54 Ars3nal311
↓2.76 Bl1tz714
9 months agode
354de_cyberaqua↑6.19 Helix16:6↓3.12 Sierra Ghost9 months agode
353de_hotline↑0.05 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓0.03 Seacat179 months agopl
352de_jedrula↑0.55 Tomeno6:0↓2.37 dominik59749 months agode
351de_cyberaqua↑0.84 Psyhackological8:0↓2.13 humphrii9 months agopl
350virtual_reality_3↑3.18 Locq01WIN.SKIN2:8↓3.72 antyk9 months agopl
349virtual_reality_3↑0.00 antyk2:0↓2.94 Locq01WIN.SKIN9 months agopl
348de_silo↑1.57 Locq01WIN.SKIN15:15↑1.57 antyk9 months agopl x2
347de_billan↑4.96 Psyhackological16:7↓2.23 Маккенна Грейс ❤9 months agode
346de_billan↑3.44 Psyhackological16:10↓1.83 Маккенна Грейс ❤9 months agode
345de_jedrula↑0.00 oleg1bagan2:2↓3.12 fleszovsky10 months agopl
344de_rambo↑3.44 mrTsoKimuchi2:4↓3.12 dent210 months agoru
343de_hotline↑1.74 FatPigCan'tDie9:1↓3.74 maniana841110 months agopl
342mc_overworld_1↑3.44 oleg1baganFFA↓1.83 maniana841110 months agopl
341de_duel_practice↑0.21 pythagoras.10:2↓0.13 pomelux10 months agode
340de_hotline↑6.19 Tomeno10:1↓3.12 demogorgo10 months agous-central
339mc_overworld_1↑2.85 TheGreatMightyLongJohnJensenFFA↓1.37 Numpt10 months agode
338hyperactive_space_station↑2.65 BillanFFA↑1.77 TheGreatMightyLongJohnJensen
↓2.58 Numpt
10 months agode
337hyperactive_space_station↑0.93 pythagoras.FFA↓0.47 fronzie10 months agoaus
336mc_overworld_1↑1.01 pythagoras.FFA↓0.51 .plusnone10 months agous-central
335fy_minilab↑0.21 pythagoras.10:1↓0.14 .plusnone10 months agous-central
334de_duel_practice↑0.22 pythagoras.10:1↓0.14 floppabellic10 months agopl
333fy_minilab↑0.00 pythagoras.5:0↓0.14 colddimensions10 months agopl
332fy_minilab↑3.44 pythagoras.FFA↓1.83 _pepsik10 months agopl
331virtual_reality_1↑3.16 web_user116:10↓1.71 web_user110 months agode
330fy_minilab↑1.10 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.55 zephyr10 months agous-central x2
329de_duel_practice↑0.33 Pythagoras of Samos16:0↓0.21 Ecofg10 months agode
328fy_minilab↑0.34 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓0.22 Benana10 months agous-central
327hyperactive_space_station↑1.20 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.60 Benana10 months agous-central
326de_duel_practice↑0.68 Pythagoras of Samos16:0↓0.44 SpleenS10 months agous-central x2
325fy_minilab↑1.31 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.66 SpleenS10 months agous-central x2
324de_amongus↑2.23 Keep it 69
↑2.27 Mr. Pycz
16:8↓0.99 Karolesky10 months agopl
323mc_overworld_1↑3.25 KaroleskyFFA↑1.54 Keep it 69
↓2.76 Mr. Pycz
10 months agopl
322de_duel_practice↑1.22 Karolesky
↑1.24 Keep it 69
↓8.62 ibijon4
16:9↓0.19 Mr. Pycz10 months agopl
321virtual_reality_3↑3.76 Karolesky
↑3.76 Mr. Pycz
16:4↓2.20 ibijon4
↓2.13 Keep it 69
10 months agopl
320de_silo↑2.09 Karolesky
↑2.09 Mr. Pycz
16:5↓0.88 Keep it 6910 months agopl
319fy_minilab↑2.60 Saddam HusseinFFA↑1.20 Elron
↓2.47 Akella
10 months agopl
318fy_iceworld↑2.36 AkellaFFA↑2.01 Saddam Hussein
↓3.34 Elron
10 months agopl
317fy_iceworld↑2.52 AkellaFFA↑0.16 Elron
↓1.39 Saddam Hussein
10 months agopl
316fy_minilab↑2.65 AkellaFFA↑0.29 Elron
↓1.64 Saddam Hussein
10 months agopl
315fy_minilab↑2.89 Saddam HusseinFFA↑0.32 Elron
↓1.66 Akella
10 months agopl
314fy_minilab↑2.78 ElronFFA↑2.05 Saddam Hussein
↓2.92 Akella
10 months agopl
313mc_overworld_1↑2.65 AkellaFFA↑0.59 Elron
↓1.67 Saddam Hussein
10 months agopl
312hyperactive_space_station↑3.25 ElronFFA↑2.18 Saddam Hussein
↓3.21 Akella
10 months agopl
311de_hotline↑3.52 ElronFFA↑0.57 Akella
↓1.98 Saddam Hussein
10 months agopl
310de_city_mini↑1.97 Reiron
↑1.97 Nindry
16:6↓1.13 aman-marix
↓0.95 Berlagu
a year agoch
309de_cyberaqua↓0.61 Reiron
↓0.61 Nindry
15:15↑0.56 AceCrim
↑0.43 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
308de_cyberaqua↑1.56 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.59 EyRaG
16:2↓1.36 aman-marix
↓1.18 Berlagu
a year agoch
307de_london↑4.75 noly.16:14↓1.69 Pythagoras of Samosa year agode
306fy_iceworld↑0.06 Pythagoras of Samos16:9↓0.04 noly.a year agode
305de_cyberaqua↑4.48 aman-marix
↑3.34 Berlagu
16:13↓2.63 Cerebral
↓2.63 Gix
a year agoch x2
304de_silo↑1.49 AceCrim
↑1.14 EvanTheCube
16:5↓1.45 Turalon
↓1.45 serrurerie
a year agoch x2
303fy_iceworld↑1.45 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.73 noly.a year agode
302de_cyberaqua↑1.09 AceCrim
↑0.79 EvanTheCube
16:10↓1.57 Lait :D
↓1.60 Charles Intermarche
a year agoch
300de_cyberaqua↑2.25 noly.
↑2.22 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirola
16:7↓0.96 isakito
↓1.05 Yol0flip
a year agoch
299de_silo↑1.34 siela1915
↑1.14 Moskoroso
16:9↓0.57 NervzZ
↓0.57 TyhrGalaree
a year agoch
298de_silo↑0.64 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.24 EyRaG
16:8↓0.49 Ne0siis
↓0.49 Lutherata
a year agoch
297de_silo↑2.89 Nindry
↑2.89 Reiron
16:4↓2.29 aman-marix
↓2.05 Berlagu
a year agoch
296de_silo↑1.69 Cerebral
↑1.69 Gix
16:4↓0.87 serrurerie
↓0.87 Turalon
a year agoch
295de_city_mini↑2.36 aman-marix
↑2.00 Berlagu
16:11↓1.27 Cerebral
↓1.27 Gix
a year agoch
294de_silo↑1.34 AceCrim
↑0.98 EvanTheCube
16:10↓2.21 Lutherata
↓2.21 Ne0siis
a year agoch
293de_cyberaqua↑1.53 siela1915
↑1.30 Moskoroso
16:10↓0.76 noly.
↓0.75 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirola
a year agoch
292de_cyberaqua↑2.49 Lait :D
↑2.55 Charles Intermarche
16:4↓1.37 serrurerie
↓1.37 Turalon
a year agoch
291de_silo↑2.75 TyhrGalaree
↑2.75 NervzZ
16:5↓1.44 isakito
↓1.59 Yol0flip
a year agoch
290de_cyberaqua↑1.19 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.44 EyRaG
16:4↓1.00 Reiron
↓1.00 Nindry
a year agoch
289de_city_mini↑1.30 Cerebral
↑1.30 Gix
16:11↓0.66 TyhrGalaree
↓0.66 NervzZ
a year agoch
288de_silo↑2.32 Nindry
↑2.32 Reiron
16:6↓1.45 noly.
↓1.44 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirola
a year agoch
287de_city_mini↑3.04 Charles Intermarche
↑2.96 Lait :D
16:5↓1.42 isakito
↓1.57 Yol0flip
a year agoch
286de_silo↑2.09 Lutherata
↑2.09 Ne0siis
16:13↓1.62 aman-marix
↓1.42 Berlagu
a year agoch
285de_cyberaqua↑0.16 EyRaG
↑0.45 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
16:4↓0.19 AceCrim
↓0.15 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
284de_silo↑2.62 Moskoroso
↑3.11 siela1915
16:5↓1.61 Turalon
↓1.61 serrurerie
a year agoch
283de_cyberaqua↑1.55 AceCrim
↑1.12 EvanTheCube
16:14↓2.69 Nindry
↓2.69 Reiron
a year agoch
282de_city_mini↑2.36 TyhrGalaree
↑2.36 NervzZ
16:11↓2.07 Turalon
↓2.07 serrurerie
a year agoch
281de_silo↑2.34 Lutherata
↑2.34 Ne0siis
16:12↓1.62 Cerebral
↓1.62 Gix
a year agoch
280de_silo↑3.20 Moskoroso
↑3.85 siela1915
16:8↓1.94 Yol0flip
↓1.73 isakito
a year agoch
279de_silo↑0.00 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.00 EyRaG
2:0↓0.08 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirolaa year agoch
278de_city_mini↑4.07 aman-marix
↑3.39 Berlagu
16:8↓2.12 Lait :D
↓2.17 Charles Intermarche
a year agoch
277de_city_mini↑0.41 EyRaG
↑1.14 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
16:3↓1.05 noly.
↓1.05 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirola
a year agoch
275de_city_mini↑2.50 Charles Intermarche
↑2.43 Lait :D
16:9↓1.72 siela1915
↓1.48 Moskoroso
a year agoch
274de_city_mini↑0.56 Yol0flip
↑0.56 isakito
15:15↑0.30 Turalon
↑0.30 serrurerie
a year agoch
273de_cyberaqua↑1.44 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.51 EyRaG
16:8↓1.54 Gix
↓1.54 Cerebral
a year agoch
272de_city_mini↑0.00 NervzZ0:0↓2.08 EvanTheCubea year agoch
271de_city_mini↑2.86 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirola
↑2.86 noly.
16:14↓1.72 Berlagu
↓2.00 aman-marix
a year agoch
270de_cyberaqua↑2.91 AceCrim
↑2.20 EvanTheCube
16:2↓4.24 TyhrGalaree
↓4.24 NervzZ
a year agoch
269de_cyberaqua↑3.32 Nindry
↑3.32 Reiron
16:4↓2.10 Lutherata
↓2.10 Ne0siis
a year agoch
267de_silo↑1.31 AceCrim
↑0.99 EvanTheCube
16:9↓2.86 Signa-hi'ls-los Sirola
↓2.86 noly.
a year agoch
266de_silo↑2.54 aman-marix
↑2.08 Berlagu
16:9↓1.32 Moskoroso
↓1.54 siela1915
a year agoch
265de_cyberaqua↑5.90 Cerebral
↑5.90 Gix
16:1↓3.34 Lait :D
↓3.34 Charles Intermarche
a year agoch
264de_cyberaqua↑5.41 Nindry
↑5.41 Reiron
16:1↓4.04 isakito
↓4.04 Yol0flip
a year agoch
263de_silo↑1.55 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.54 EyRaG
16:2↓1.59 TyhrGalaree
↓1.59 NervzZ
a year agoch
262de_cyberaqua↑4.27 Lutherata
↑4.27 Ne0siis
16:5↓3.14 Turalon
↓3.14 serrurerie
a year agoch
261de_cyberaqua↑0.08 EyRaG
↑0.23 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
16:10↓0.09 AceCrim
↓0.08 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
260de_cyberaqua↑1.97 Akella16:6↓1.27 Lol Ripa year agopl
259virtual_reality_2↑1.75 Elron
↑0.78 Akella
16:1↓0.56 Lol Ripa year agopl
258de_cyberaqua↑3.96 RUN Xoxma
↑4.77 Lol Rip
16:4↓1.39 Akellaa year agopl
257hyperactive_space_station↑3.44 CerebralFFA↓1.83 Gixa year agous-central
256de_amongus↓5.21 AceCrim0:1↓0.95 EvanTheCubea year agoru
255de_cyberaqua↑6.00 AceCrim16:7↓2.25 EvanTheCubea year agoch x2
254de_cyberaqua↑0.15 AceCrim15:15↑0.98 EvanTheCubea year agoch x2
253de_cyberaqua↓2.07 EvanTheCube1:2↓3.67 EyRaGa year agoch x2
252de_cyberaqua↑0.83 EyRaG16:7↓1.24 EvanTheCubea year agoch
251de_cyberaqua↑1.08 EyRaG16:6↓1.97 EvanTheCubea year agoch
250de_billan↓2.57 Marf5015:14↓5.22 ShyyyTurtlea year agous-central
249de_silo↑2.31 Marf50
↑2.45 westmidnight
16:10↓1.79 Random_Guy
↓1.79 ShyyyTurtle
a year agous-central
248de_duel_practice↑1.78 Random_Guy
↑1.78 ShyyyTurtle
16:2↓0.63 Marf50a year agous-central
247de_rambo↑1.54 Random_Guy
↑1.54 ShyyyTurtle
16:6↓0.55 Marf50a year agous-central
246de_cyberaqua↑0.07 Akella6:3↓1.41 RUN Xoxmaa year agopl
245de_cyberaqua↑0.93 Nindry
↑0.93 Reiron
15:15↓0.07 AceCrim
↓0.07 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
244de_cyberaqua↑1.52 AceCrim
↑1.52 EvanTheCube
16:9↓1.38 Nindry
↓1.38 Reiron
a year agoch
243de_hotline↑3.16 AdiFFA↓1.71 Adia year agopl
242de_cyberaqua↑2.21 westmidnight16:14↓0.94 Marf50a year agous-central
241fy_minilab↑3.44 westmidnightFFA↓1.83 Marf50a year agous-central
240de_billan↑6.19 westmidnight16:8↓3.12 Marf50a year agous-central
239virtual_reality_2↓4.06 worbat10:5↓4.06 duckiea year agous-central
238fy_minilab↑1.62 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.81 Burplea year agoaus
237de_cyberaqua↑0.32 EyRaG15:15↓0.10 D3A3OW88
↑0.81 limit test
a year agoch x2
236de_cyberaqua↑0.17 EyRaG
↑0.30 caki
↑1.07 Hajt
16:1↓0.14 D3A3OW88
↓0.33 Tentale
↓0.42 limit test
a year agoch x2
235fy_minilab↑2.24 cakiFFA↑2.17 EyRaG
↑1.44 D3A3OW88
↑0.60 limit test
↓0.81 Hajt
↓3.53 Tentale
a year agoch x2
234de_desert_remake↑0.32 caki
↑1.25 Hajt
16:2↓0.14 D3A3OW88
↓0.34 Tentale
a year agoch x2
233de_billan↑3.24 DestyDe16:12↓1.80 neutron1331a year agoru
232de_cyberaqua↑3.78 neutron133116:12↓2.32 DestyDea year agoru
231mc_overworld_1↑3.44 neutron1331FFA↓1.83 DestyDea year agoru
230de_jedrula↑3.44 DestyDe16:12↓1.83 neutron1331a year agoru
229de_cyberaqua↑1.53 caki16:3↓0.52 EyRaGa year agode
228de_cyberaqua↑0.12 Pythagoras of Samos16:9↓0.04 EyRaGa year agode
227de_cyberaqua↑1.30 caki16:4↓0.43 EyRaGa year agode
226fy_minilab↑3.12 [shakallo] web_userFFA↑1.47 [shakallo] web_user
↓2.66 [shakallo] web_user
a year agopl
225virtual_reality_1↑0.76 web_user15:15↑0.76 web_usera year agopl
224fy_minilab↑0.20 Pythagoras of Samos16:6↓0.13 Sizzlea year agous-central
223de_duel_practice↑0.35 Pythagoras of Samos16:1↓0.22 Sizzlea year agous-central
222fy_iceworld↑3.44 web_user116:10↓1.83 web_user1a year agopl
221fy_minilab↑3.44 web_user2FFA↓1.83 web_user2a year agopl
220de_cyberaqua↑0.61 EyRaG
↑1.52 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
16:6↓0.65 caki
↓1.12 Seacat17
a year agoch
219fy_iceworld↑1.81 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓0.91 Awesomefreeza year agoaus
218de_cyberaqua↑7.83 Hajt
↑1.55 D3A3OW88
16:13↓0.64 EyRaG
↓9.36 Seacat17
a year agoch x2
217de_cyberaqua↑0.30 EyRaG16:10↓0.19 D3A3OW88a year agoch x2
216de_cyberaqua↑0.31 caki15:15↑0.21 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.05 D3A3OW88
a year agoch
215de_desert_remake↑1.22 caki16:1↓0.95 Seacat17a year agopl
214de_cyberaqua↑0.46 Pythagoras of Samos
↑2.11 Hajt
16:10↓0.20 EyRaG
↓0.44 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
a year agoch
213de_cyberaqua↑4.36 Linksaver1
↑4.36 Bill
16:4↓2.56 Joe Beorn
↓2.56 Trow
a year agous-central
212de_hotline↑3.44 Linksaver1FFA↓1.83 Billa year agous-central
211de_jedrula↑0.04 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓0.02 D3A3OW88a year agode
210de_cyberaqua↑0.27 EyRaG
↑0.70 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
16:12↓0.45 AceCrim
↓0.45 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
209de_cyberaqua↑0.82 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.31 EyRaG
16:5↓0.61 Lutherata
↓0.61 Ne0siis
a year agoch
208de_cyberaqua↑3.27 EvanTheCube
↑3.27 AceCrim
16:8↓3.23 Ne0siis
↓3.23 Lutherata
a year agoch
207fy_minilab↑2.05 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓1.03 Seacat17a year agopl
206de_cyberaqua↑0.91 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑1.78 cr4bex
↓12.54 Nahuel295k
16:6↓0.05 EyRaGa year agoch
205de_cyberaqua↑2.61 EvanTheCube16:12↓1.48 AceCrima year agoch
204de_cyberaqua↑0.96 EyRaG16:6↓1.98 cr4bexa year agoch
203de_cyberaqua↑0.28 Pythagoras of Samos16:7↓0.10 EyRaGa year agoch
202de_cyberaqua↑2.79 AceCrim
↑2.79 EvanTheCube
16:10↓0.64 EyRaG
↓3.08 AwTaS
a year agoch
201de_cyberaqua↑1.87 AwTaS
↑0.29 EyRaG
16:14↓0.62 EvanTheCube
↓0.62 AceCrim
a year agoch
200fy_minilab↑0.53 EyRaG16:2↓0.31 D3A3OW88a year agoch
199de_cyberaqua↑0.40 EyRaG16:4↓0.24 D3A3OW88a year agoch
198de_cyberaqua↑0.44 EyRaG16:7↓0.26 D3A3OW88a year agoch
197de_cyberaqua↑0.26 caki
↑0.21 Pythagoras of Samos
16:5↓0.08 EyRaG
↓0.15 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
a year agoch
196de_cyberaqua↑0.43 caki
↑0.35 Pythagoras of Samos
16:3↓0.14 EyRaG
↓0.25 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
a year agoch
195de_billan↓0.73 D3A3OW887:2↓8.71 Rodicka year agoch
194de_kremlin↑5.78 xxUwUxx16:1↓2.77 peter gorfin
↓2.76 Shmaryan
a year agous-central
193de_silo↑10.31 xxUwUxx16:0↓7.58 Shmaryan
↓7.63 peter gorfin
a year agous-central
192virtual_reality_3↑0.66 Tensenuma
↑0.66 xxUwUxx
↑0.66 Shmaryan
16:8↓0.29 peter gorfina year agous-central
191de_cyberaqua↑0.31 Pythagoras of Samos16:5↓0.11 EyRaGa year agoch
190de_cyberaqua↑0.33 Pythagoras of Samos16:6↓0.12 EyRaGa year agoch
189de_cyberaqua↑0.55 Pythagoras of Samos16:3↓0.20 EyRaGa year agoch
188de_cyberaqua↑0.63 EvanTheCube15:15↑0.63 AceCrima year agoch
187de_cyberaqua↑1.07 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.43 EyRaG
16:6↓0.69 EvanTheCube
↓0.69 AceCrim
a year agode
186de_cyberaqua↑0.26 EyRaG
↑0.67 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
16:9↓0.47 EvanTheCube
↓0.47 AceCrim
a year agode
185de_cyberaqua↑0.38 Pythagoras of Samos16:5↓0.14 EyRaGa year agoch
184hyperactive_space_station↑2.34 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓1.17 MTa year agode
183de_cyberaqua↑0.41 Pythagoras of Samos16:7↓0.15 EyRaGa year agoch
182de_cyberaqua↑0.68 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓0.24 EyRaGa year agoch
181de_cyberaqua↑2.16 Nindry
↑2.16 Reiron
16:14↓1.22 AceCrim
↓1.22 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
180de_cyberaqua↑1.70 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑0.70 EyRaG
16:4↓1.48 Nindry
↓1.48 Reiron
a year agoch
179de_cyberaqua↑2.79 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑1.12 EyRaG
16:3↓2.36 AceCrim
↓2.36 EvanTheCube
a year agoch
178de_cyberaqua↑1.37 EyRaG16:7↓2.49 ГНОМ ХУЕКРАДa year agoch
177de_cyberaqua↑0.37 Pythagoras of Samos16:4↓0.13 EyRaGa year agoch
176de_silo↑0.68 EyRaG16:7↓0.34 D3A3OW88a year agoch
175de_metro↑3.44 eclips_e16:14↓1.83 Micr0bytea year agoaus
174de_cyberaqua↓7.70 ARC
↓7.70 Sir Choccy Milk
1:0↓1.24 Jaboba year agoaus
173de_cyberaqua↑0.82 EyRaG16:11↓1.62 Kuria year agoch
172de_cyberaqua↑0.53 Pythagoras of Samos16:3↓0.20 EyRaGa year agoch
171de_cyberaqua↑0.60 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓0.22 EyRaGa year agoch
170de_cyberaqua↑0.86 EyRaG16:4↓0.41 D3A3OW88a year agoch
169fy_minilab↑1.03 EyRaG16:4↓0.50 D3A3OW88a year agoch
168de_cyberaqua↑1.73 IxLuffy
↑0.53 D3A3OW88
16:11↓0.35 EyRaGa year agoch
167de_cyberaqua↑0.50 caki
↑1.23 IxLuffy
16:7↓0.22 EyRaG
↓0.21 D3A3OW88
a year agoch
166de_cyberaqua↑2.52 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑3.79 IxLuffy
16:5↓0.75 EyRaG
↓0.70 D3A3OW88
a year agoch
165de_cyberaqua↑1.72 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑2.66 IxLuffy
16:14↓0.53 EyRaG
↓0.49 D3A3OW88
a year agoch
164de_cyberaqua↑1.24 EyRaG16:5↓0.59 D3A3OW88a year agoch
163de_cyberaqua↑1.20 EyRaG
↑1.10 D3A3OW88
16:12↓1.95 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↓2.80 IxLuffy
a year agoch
162de_cyberaqua↑1.74 Pythagoras of Samos
↑1.46 D3A3OW88
16:7↓1.02 EyRaG
↓1.85 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
a year agoch
161de_cyberaqua↑1.15 Pythagoras of Samos
↑0.97 D3A3OW88
16:9↓0.76 EyRaG
↓1.49 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
a year agoch
160de_cyberaqua↑3.43 <3 Sen[i]. ∞
↑1.11 D3A3OW88
16:5↓0.73 EyRaGa year agoch
159fy_minilab↓4.06 Darkmonkeyz14:9↓4.06 LiaoM4staa year agoaus
158de_metro↑0.99 EyRaG16:6↓0.42 D3A3OW88a year agoch
157de_silo↑0.57 EyRaG16:11↓0.24 D3A3OW88a year agoch
156de_cyberaqua↑2.13 EyRaG16:3↓0.91 D3A3OW88a year agoch
155de_cyberaqua↑1.97 EyRaG16:5↓0.86 D3A3OW88a year agoch
154de_cyberaqua↑4.49 EyRaG16:3↓2.09 D3A3OW88a year agoch
153de_cyberaqua↑2.33 D3A3OW8816:9↓2.03 EyRaGa year agoch
152de_cyberaqua↑6.36 EyRaG16:3↓2.99 D3A3OW88a year agoch
151de_cyberaqua↑3.06 EyRaG16:12↓1.65 D3A3OW88a year agoch
150de_duel_practice↑0.26 Pythagoras of Samos16:4↓0.13 EyRaGa year agoch
149de_duel_practice↑0.43 Pythagoras of Samos16:0↓0.22 EyRaGa year agoch
148de_cyberaqua↑0.48 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓0.25 EyRaGa year agoch
147de_hotline↓4.06 Moskoroso2:0↓4.06 Berlagua year agoch
146de_cyberaqua↑2.16 <3 Sen[i]. ∞16:13↓0.77 EyRaGa year agoch
145de_cyberaqua↑2.70 <3 Sen[i]. ∞16:14↓1.01 EyRaGa year agoch
144de_cyberaqua↑2.56 The Shovel God16:10↓1.36 Solemousea year agous-central
143de_cyberaqua↑0.96 D3A3OW88
↑1.38 rusleon
↑2.07 You Mine
16:8↓0.76 EyRaG
↓0.68 Tentale
a year agode
142de_metro↑0.48 Pythagoras of Samos16:5↓0.27 EyRaGa year agoch
141de_duel_practice↑0.87 Pythagoras of Samos16:1↓0.50 EyRaGa year agoch
140de_cyberaqua↑1.13 Pythagoras of Samos16:1↓0.69 EyRaGa year agoch
139hyperactive_space_station↑3.77 The Shovel GodFFA↓2.03 Tachyon322a year agous-central
138de_desert_remake↑6.47 The Shovel God16:6↓2.97 Tachyon322a year agous-central
137de_cyberaqua↓6.54 RB Gamer
↓6.91 idk8983
1:5↓1.55 Tachyon322a year agous-central
136de_cyberaqua↑3.44 <3 Sen[i]. ∞16:9↓1.83 IxLuffya year agode
135mc_overworld_1↑3.44 <3 Sen[i]. ∞FFA↓1.83 IxLuffya year agode
134de_cyberaqua↑3.44 Tachyon32216:12↓1.83 RB Gamera year agous-central
133fy_minilab↑3.44 Tachyon322FFA↓1.83 RB Gamera year agous-central
132de_duel_practice↑6.61 D3A3OW8816:2↓6.94 dazapcata year agous-central
131virtual_reality_3↓5.81 🤡3:0↓5.81 Schnibbelquicka year agode x2
130de_jedrula↓4.06 Xrth5:4↓4.06 The Chosen Onea year agopl
129virtual_reality_1↑0.00 D3A3OW880:0↓8.27 w 1 z Z a r Da year agous-central
128virtual_reality_2↑2.66 w 1 z Z a r D16:8↓0.84 D3A3OW88a year agous-central
127de_billan↑3.84 w 1 z Z a r D16:5↓1.25 D3A3OW88a year agous-central
126de_cyberaqua↑5.97 w 1 z Z a r D16:7↓2.09 D3A3OW88a year agous-central
125de_amongus↑3.44 golax15:15↓1.83 Alporaa year agous-central
124de_billan↑3.44 BlueTarg16:9↓1.83 CoolCorneta year agous-central
123mc_overworld_1↑3.44 LightbearerFFA↓1.83 D3A3OW88a year agous-central
122de_hotline↑5.22 私はあなたのお母さん
↑3.75 D3A3OW88
16:5↓3.31 valk
↓3.31 mak20KeyDrop
a year agopl
121de_duel_practice↑0.03 Pythagoras of Samos10:0↓0.69 heavymissilearmourblazea year agous-central
120hyperactive_space_station↑2.69 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓1.35 heavymissilearmourblazea year agous-central
119de_cyberaqua↑3.44 Zirkiel16:10↓1.83 La poutre cosmiquea year agoch
118hyperactive_space_station↑2.80 AkellaFFA↓1.54 Max111111q1a year agopl
117de_cyberaqua↑3.50 Akella16:2↓1.45 Max111111q1a year agopl x2
116de_silo↑7.93 Akella16:0↓4.18 Max111111q1a year agopl x2
115de_metro↑2.39 rusleon
↑2.24 Tentale
16:10↓1.74 D3A3OW88
↓1.46 ART13
a year agoru
114de_cyberaqua↑3.12 Pythagoras of Samos16:0↓3.35 Tentale
↓3.51 rusleon
a year agoru
113de_hotline↑3.44 Sam_Exite16:11↓1.83 RivenSimpa year agoch
112hyperactive_space_station↑3.36 jojopka777FFA↓1.76 ART13a year agopl
111de_hotline↑3.08 ART13FFA↑1.54 jojopka777
↓2.81 Tentale
a year agopl
110virtual_reality_1↑1.64 Pythagoras of Samos16:3↓1.04 Saturna year agous-central
109fy_minilab↑0.61 bbr_976:1↓8.53 D3A3OW88a year agopl
108de_silo↑2.65 ART1316:14↓2.11 Tentalea year agoru
107de_cyberaqua↑1.90 Pythagoras of Samos16:1↓1.20 Flame Legremsa year agoch
106de_amongus↓0.76 CoalTurtle4:11↓7.90 BEZERKERG2
↓7.92 matthewegee
a year agous-central
105de_duel_practice↑1.61 BEZERKERG2
↑1.62 matthewegee
16:6↓0.68 CoalTurtlea year agous-central
104de_kremlin↑2.16 matthewegee
16:4↓0.93 CoalTurtlea year agous-central
103de_metro↑2.10 CoalTurtle
↑2.16 matthewegee
16:6↓0.91 BEZERKERG2a year agous-central
102de_rambo↑2.94 BEZERKERG2
↑2.94 CoalTurtle
16:2↓1.24 matthewegeea year agous-central
101de_desert_remake↓3.76 Wronk7:4↓3.76 greydjinna year agous-central
100de_hotline↓4.06 Wronk1:0↓4.06 greydjinna year agous-central
99mc_overworld_1↑3.44 WronkFFA↓1.83 greydjinna year agous-central
98de_billan↑4.53 Fractemps16:0↓1.75 Theproba year agode
97de_cyberaqua↑8.39 Fractemps16:3↓4.06 Theproba year agode
96de_silo↑1.24 caki16:7↓0.73 Billana year agode
95de_silo↑3.43 Student Silver4ok16:12↓1.80 Grekonta year agoru
94de_amongus↑3.28 ori #tnd16:5↓1.28 Manoloa year agode
93de_amongus↑8.39 ori #tnd16:0↓4.06 Manoloa year agode
91de_billan↑3.52 Billan16:3↓0.95 bbr_97a year agopl
88de_jedrula↑0.50 caki
↑0.93 Akella
16:14↓0.05 totetoni
↓0.07 bbr_97
↓1.02 Saddam Hussein
a year agopl
87fy_iceworld↑2.65 cakiFFA↑1.11 totetoni
↑0.91 Akella
↑0.05 bbr_97
↓3.39 Saddam Hussein
a year agopl
85de_silo↑5.49 Akella16:3↓2.23 Saddam Husseina year agopl
84de_billan↑6.19 Akella16:5↓3.12 Saddam Husseina year agopl
83de_hotline↑3.44 AkellaFFA↓1.83 Saddam Husseina year agopl
82fy_minilab↑0.37 caki
16:3↓0.09 totetonia year agopl
81de_billan↑0.45 caki
16:7↓0.11 totetoni
↓0.16 bbr_97
a year agopl
79de_billan↑0.02 totetoni7:0↓1.74 tblings50a year agode
78de_hotline↑0.52 totetoni16:13↓1.08 frank
↓0.53 bbr_97
a year agopl
77virtual_reality_1↑0.52 totetoni
↑2.68 xxGXTxx
16:6↓0.52 bbr_97
↓1.15 frank
a year agopl
76de_duel_practice↑3.54 bbr_9716:4↓8.77 xxGXTxxa year agopl
75mc_overworld_1↑1.90 totetoniFFA↓0.99 bbr_97a year agopl
74de_jedrula↑0.06 totetoni16:13↓0.04 bbr_97a year agopl
73de_hotline↑1.37 totetoni16:3↓2.16 Slaydeea year agous-central
72de_rambo↑0.42 totetoni16:2↓0.34 FireStone1514a year agopl
71de_desert_remake↑0.49 totetoni16:3↓0.41 FireStone1514a year agopl
70fy_iceworld↑2.12 totetoniFFA↓1.66 FireStone1514a year agopl
69de_hotline↑0.04 totetoni5:3↓2.90 ART13
↓2.56 FireStone1514
a year agous-central
68de_billan↑1.62 totetoni16:4↓3.96 FireStone1514
↓4.82 ART13
a year agous-central
67de_cyberaqua↑1.81 totetoni16:2↓3.08 FireStone1514a year agous-central
66fy_minilab↑2.75 terencefarella16:11↓1.29 Felixa year agoaus
65de_hotline↑3.44 terencefarella16:11↓1.83 Felixa year agoaus
64virtual_reality_1↑3.98 Stink Curd Slop Tart16:14↓1.83 PennsylvaniaDutch Space Diaspora
↓7.70 DANGERvulcan
a year agous-central
63hyperactive_space_station↑3.25 PennsylvaniaDutch Space DiasporaFFA↑1.54 DANGERvulcan
↓2.76 Stink Curd Slop Tart
a year agous-central
62mc_overworld_1↑4.22 MeliossFFA↓1.74 totetonia year agous-central
60de_silo↑2.31 Pythagoras of Samos16:7↓0.52 totetonia year agopl
59de_metro↑0.15 totetoni12:3↓3.32 IcePike227a year agous-central
58hyperactive_space_station↑2.15 bbr_971FFA↓1.25 Greg390a year agopl
57de_billan↑1.96 bbr_97116:10↓4.16 Greg390a year agopl
56de_hotline↑2.89 BillanFFA↑1.05 bbr_97
↑0.46 bbr_971
↓2.68 Greg390
a year agopl
55fy_minilab↑3.05 BillanFFA↑1.20 bbr_97
↑0.71 bbr_971
↓3.39 Greg390
a year agopl
54de_amongus↑1.47 caki16:1↓0.80 FatPigCan'tDiea year agode
53de_hotline↑2.10 caki16:2↓1.30 FatPigCan'tDiea year agode
51de_hotline↑2.92 second coming of christ
↑1.64 bbr_97
16:4↓0.68 totetonia year agopl
50de_billan↑0.34 totetoni16:2↓0.20 bbr_97a year agopl
49de_rambo↓4.06 Munchies11:4↓4.06 boxofCordsa year agoaus
48de_metro↑1.25 origami16:13↓0.33 totetonia year agopl
47de_hotline↑9.17 chico16:4↓1.59 totetonia year agopl
46de_hotline↑1.54 totetoni16:2↓1.53 Motivea year agode
45de_billan↑0.13 totetoni
↑0.54 zadupiarz
↓11.33 Der Kotmensch
16:0↓0.22 Grekonta year agopl
44de_metro↑2.43 totetoni16:0↓3.60 Motivea year agode
43de_metro↑2.22 totetoni16:0↓2.47 Verevanna year agode
42de_kremlin↑0.30 caki
↑0.17 totetoni
16:3↓0.20 Verevann
↓0.20 wwwwwwwwww
a year agode
41de_silo↑4.70 Billan16:8↓3.88 Verevanna year agoru
40hyperactive_space_station↑3.44 PenguinNuggetsFFA↓1.83 ShadyCoconutGuya year agous-central
39de_cyberaqua↓4.06 jstet20078:7↓4.06 barryisgoda year agous-central
38de_hotline↑3.44 jstet2007FFA↓1.83 barryisgoda year agous-central
35hyperactive_space_station↑2.36 totetoniFFA↑1.83 bbr_97
↓3.43 ART13
a year agopl
34de_cyberaqua↓1.24 ART130:1↓7.70 rusleon
↓7.70 Tentale
a year agode
33de_cyberaqua↑0.02 DOCTORA
↑0.01 caki
8:1↓0.65 totetoni
↓1.47 zadupiarz
a year agode
31de_cyberaqua↑1.62 caki
↑1.10 bbr_97
16:10↓0.63 totetoni
a year agode
30de_desert_remake↑1.99 caki
↑1.34 bbr_97
16:11↓2.05 DOCTORA
↓0.84 totetoni
a year agode
29de_metro↑1.37 totetoni16:2↓0.66 bbr_97a year agode
28de_rambo↑3.79 Billan16:2↓0.96 bbr_97a year agopl
27de_silo↑0.63 totetoni16:9↓0.33 bbr_97a year agopl
26de_cyberaqua↑0.78 totetoni12:0↓5.34 Príncipe do Ócioa year agous-central
25de_metro↑2.36 Pythagoras of Samos16:5↓0.68 totetonia year agopl
24de_hotline↑2.60 totetoni16:3↓1.33 bbr_97a year agopl
23de_cyberaqua↑2.12 caki16:4↓1.09 Limofeusa year agoru
22mc_overworld_1↑2.85 totetoniFFA↓2.11 jashendrickxa year agode
21de_cyberaqua↑1.17 totetoni16:10↓0.64 bbr_97a year agopl
20fy_minilab↑3.91 bbr_97FFA↓2.60 totetonia year agopl
19mc_overworld_1↑2.44 totetoniFFA↓1.18 bbr_97a year agopl
18de_silo↑2.97 caki16:2↓0.86 totetonia year agode
17fy_iceworld↑3.27 cakiFFA↓1.58 totetonia year agode
16de_hotline↑2.87 caki16:7↓0.83 totetonia year agode
15de_kremlin↑4.19 caki16:7↓1.23 totetonia year agode
14de_cyberaqua↑4.52 totetoni16:3↓2.11 bbr_97a year agopl
12de_silo↑0.94 Pythagoras of Samos
↑0.89 bbr_97
↑1.16 Greg390
16:14↓0.63 caki
↓0.51 totetoni
a year agode
11de_metro↑3.73 Pythagoras of Samos
↑3.53 bbr_97
16:7↓2.29 totetoni
↓2.71 Greg390
a year agode
10hyperactive_space_station↑2.58 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↑2.13 Billan
↑0.96 totetoni
↓0.48 Greg390
↓3.02 bbr_97
a year agode
9de_billan↑2.25 Billan
↑2.05 Pythagoras of Samos
16:11↓1.47 totetoni
↓1.40 bbr_97
↓1.77 Greg390
a year agode
8de_jedrula↑2.16 caki
↑2.31 Greg390
16:7↓0.86 totetoni
↓0.83 bbr_97
a year agode
7de_jedrula↑6.90 Pythagoras of Samos16:2↓3.46 Billana year agopl
6de_duel_practice↑4.29 Pythagoras of Samos16:4↓1.48 bbr_97a year agopl
5fy_minilab↑7.96 caki16:5↓5.44 totetoni
↓5.60 bbr_97
a year agode
4de_hotline↑3.25 cakiFFA↑1.54 totetoni
↓2.76 bbr_97
a year agode
3de_cyberaqua↑5.87 totetoni16:4↓3.03 bbr_97a year agopl
2de_cyberaqua↑1.04 totetoni6:0↓4.06 wwwwwwwwwwa year agoru
1de_duel_practice↑3.44 Pythagoras of SamosFFA↓1.83 janusza year agode